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Changing from Google Geocoiding to Mapbox Places API in Angular 2

I am working on a web app that geocodes a point when clicked on a map.

The app was written in Angular 2. I am unfortunately not familiar with Angular.

Currently the app geocodes with Google and the text box automatically updates when the result is returned. The code currently looks like this:

import { Injectable, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { Http } from '@angular/http';
import { Point } from '../models/geojson.model';

export class GeocoderService {

    private geocodeUrl: string = '';

    constructor(private http: Http) {

    public addressFromPoint(point: Point) {
        let url: string = this.geocodeUrl + '&latlng=' + encodeURIComponent(point.latLong());
        return this.http.get(url);

    public addressToPoint(address: string) {
        let url: string = this.geocodeUrl + '&address=' + encodeURIComponent(address);
        return this.http.get(url);

    public getAddress(point: Point) {
        let address: string;
            (response) => {
                address = response.json();
        return address;

    public getPoint(address: string):Point {
        let point: Point;
            (response) => {
                point = new Point([]);
            (error) => {

        return point;

I have changed this to use the Mapbox Places API, as follows:

import { Injectable, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { Http } from '@angular/http';
import { Point } from '../models/geojson.model';

export class GeocoderService {

    private geocodeUrl: string = '';

    private ACCESS_TOKEN: string = 'access_token=REDACTED';

    constructor(private http: Http) {

    public addressFromPoint(point: Point) {
        let url: string = this.geocodeUrl + point.longLat() + '.json?' + this.ACCESS_TOKEN;
        return this.http.get(url);

    public addressToPoint(address: string) {
        let url: string = this.geocodeUrl + address + '.json?' + this.ACCESS_TOKEN;
        return this.http.get(url);

    public getAddress(point: Point) {
        let address: string;
            (response) => {
                address = response.json();
        return address;

    public getPoint(address: string):Point {
        let point: Point;
            (response) => {
                point = new Point([]);
            (error) => {

        return point;

The geocoder service is used as follows: => { let name = response.json().formatted_address; });

which I have now updated to match the Mapbox API like this: => { let name = response.json().features[0].place_name; });

When I run the app now, I can see in the F12 console that the correct address is being geocoded, but the text boxes no longer automatically update.

I thought it could be the typings, but this still does not work after I cast to strings. I also thought it could be the length of the string as the mapbox version is longer (perhaps the text box has a limit) but finding a substring of this also does not seem to update the textbox. I also tried updating it to a string literal, but even that does not work. My guess is that the problem lies in how it is using observables, but I don't know how to solve this.

What are some other reasons that my text box stopped updating? I can edit to supply more information or code if this is not enough to go on.


  • That all looks fine. I think if the observable is not emitting a value it's probably because an error is occurring in the observable or else it is just not emitting a valid value. Because Mapbox and Google have different response formats just check that you are using the correct references to place_name and features everywhere and not using formatted_address or results