I am working on program automation (program named SEO indexer). I wrote the automation using python's library name pywinauto. Everything works just great when I am running the automation over RDP connection to the server. But when I am trying to leave the program and disconnect from RDP the "Save AS" windows window is not starting and the program crashes ...
someone knows how can I fix it?
the code that is responsible to save the file is -
def run(self, process_id, link):
controls = self._app[u'TForm1']
text_box = controls.Edit
button = controls.ToolBar1
windows = Desktop(backend="uia")
result_box = controls.TVirtualStringTree
windows_list = windows.windows()
context_menu = windows.window(best_match = "Context")
save_all_button = context_menu.children()[2]
save_as = windows.window(best_match = "save_as")
properties_section = save_as.children()[0]
file_name = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\indexer_" + str(randint(0, 10000))
file_name_label = properties_section.children()[4].children()[0]
save_button = save_as.children()[2]
yes_no_dialog = windows.window(best_match = "GSA SEO Indexer v2.34")
return file_name
it crashed on -
save_as = windows.window(best_match = "save_as")
there is a way to force it opening the save as dialog even if there are no screen ?
I Just notices that the problem is not that the Save as
panel is not created, the problem is that when I am without screen and trying to select from the context menu (which is created) - just the text is selected, without clicking on it
The Remote Execution Guide is what you need. This is common problem for any GUI automation tool. So the question is not exactly pywinauto related, but I wrote this guide a year ago to address it for many users.