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Is there a way to rotate text around (or inside) a circle?

typical spinning wheelI am making a spinning wheel in Python tKinter. Usually, when you spin the wheel, you land on a random slice on the wheel, where the random choice is the text displayed on the slice. I am unable to find a way to rotate text on the slices.

I have tried to use the angle option in the create_text function, only it rotates the text around the center of the circle:

for x in range(len(spinList)):
    color = "#"+("%06x"%random.randint(0,16777215))
    c.create_arc(xy, start=90+((360/size)*x), extent=(360/size), fill=color, outline='black', width=2)
    c.create_text(200, 200, text=spinList[x], angle=90+((180/size)*x)) 

the expected result that I wanted was the text to be displayed on each individual slice of the spinning wheel, but instead it is rotating around the midpoint. Is there a way to not make this happen?


  • As a simple example of a text block rotating along a circular path, you could do something like this.

    import math
    import tkinter as tk
    def rotate(angle=0):
        x = math.cos(angle) * 200 + 250
        y = math.sin(angle) * 200 + 250
        canvas.coords(txt, x, y)
        canvas.after(100, rotate, angle+0.1)
    root = tk.Tk()
    canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=500, height=500)
    txt = canvas.create_text(250, 50, text='around and around')

    [Edit] building on @Novel suggestion that tcl8.6 has added a rotate feature, here is an example where the text rotates along a circular path, and changes orientation:

    import math
    import tkinter as tk
    def rotate(angle1=0, angle2=0):
        dx = math.cos(angle1) * 200 + 250
        dy = math.sin(angle1) * 200 + 250
        canvas.coords(txt, dx, dy)
        canvas.itemconfig(txt, angle=angle2)
        canvas.after(100, rotate, angle1+0.1, angle2-15)
    root = tk.Tk()
    canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=500, height=500)
    txt = canvas.create_text(250, 50, text='around and around')