I've been trying to use dc.js and crossfilter to build the datatable functionality to listout some data.But the data is not displaying as expected
My data sample
"name": "Thomas Ludlow Hallaway",
"urlslug": "\\/wiki\\/thomas_ludlow_hallaway_(new_earth)",
"id": "secret identity",
"align": "bad characters",
"eye": "brown eyes",
"hair": "brown hair",
"sex": "male characters",
"gsm": "",
"alive": "deceased characters",
"appearances": 36,
"first appearance": "1940, may",
"year": 1940
"name": "Jeannette",
"urlslug": "\\/wiki\\/jeannette_(new_earth)",
"id": "secret identity",
"align": "bad characters",
"eye": "blue eyes",
"hair": "white hair",
"sex": "female characters",
"gsm": "",
"alive": "living characters",
"appearances": 35,
"first appearance": "2009, january",
"year": 2009
My code
function listCharacters(ndx) {
var dim = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck("name"));
.group(function(d) {
return "";
.columns(["name", "urlslug", "first appearance"])
Expected Output
Name urlslug first appearance Thomas \/wiki\/jeannette_(new_earth) 1940, may Jeannette \/wiki\/thomas_ludlow_hallaway_(new_earth) 2009, january
Running your code produces the following error in the developer tools console. (A super helpful tool for all coding in D3 and dc.js!)
Uncaught TypeError: _sortBy is not a function
at VM164 dc.js:7999
at Array.sort (<anonymous>)
at nestEntries (VM164 dc.js:7998)
at renderSections (VM164 dc.js:7962)
at Object._chart._doRender (VM164 dc.js:7874)
at Object._chart.render (VM164 dc.js:2092)
at Object.dc.renderAll (VM164 dc.js:251)
at (index):85
at dispatch (VM161 jquery-1.11.0.js:4624)
at elemData.handle (VM161 jquery-1.11.0.js:4292)
The issue is that .sortBy()
takes a function - here are the docs.
Fixing that, we get basic, decent output, below. It still needs a lot of formatting using CSS, or you might consider using dc-tableview or dc.datatables.js if you want features like pagination.
Here's a fiddle with the working code.