I've got a form in which the inputs are added dynamically with the v-for loop. Each field should be validated, and before user submit the form it should be checked wherever it's valid or not. The problem is that the this.$validator.validateAll()
always return true, even if the inputs are invalid. What I'm doing wrong?
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-flex md4 offset-md4>
<form data-vv-scope="photoForm">
<v-text-field v-for="index in 5"
:label="'photo' + index"
:error-messages="errors.collect('photoForm.photoName' + index)"
:data-vv-name="'photoForm.photoName' + index"
color="purple" autocomplete="on"
counter="10" >
<p>Is valid form? {{ validationResult }}</p>
<v-btn @click="validate" color="purple" dark>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
validationResult: ''
methods: {
validate() {
this.$validator.validateAll('photoForm').then(result => {
this.validationResult = result
And codepen where I reproduce the problem: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/jjrJdE
You need to store your form data somewhere so the validation has something to work on, I assume.
See https://codepen.io/cwg999/pen/MMjWNj?editors=1011
The main changes I made were to put your dynamically generated inputs into your data() and used that to reference them in the for-loop.
(note: you can also use v-model instead of :value/@input)
<v-text-field v-for="o,i in photoForm"
:label="o.label+ ' ' + (i+1)"
:error-messages="errors.collect('photoForm.photoName' + i)"
:name="'photoName' + i"
@input="o.value = $event"
color="purple" autocomplete="on"
counter="10" >
data() {
return {
validationResult: '',