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Inputbox to select slides in Powrpoint presentation. (Almost done)

Hello all smart peeps out there,

I want to select some Powerpointslides based on inputs from the inputbox and I can't get it to work. It's probably something wrong with the how I declare variables. I have created a macro which names Powerpointslides and I want to select the name of the slides with the inputbox with the help of VBA.

So basically I want the inputbox to return an Array of slide names. Let's say: I want to select a sheet called USA and Sweden if I enter it in the input box. This is what I have tried so far.

Sub Select_Slides()

slides = InputBox("Insert Slide names to select")

list = Array(slides)


End Sub

In order for it to work list has do be be an Array of a sheet called USA and Sweden. I have a macro which creates a new Powerpoint with only selected slides. So this is why I want to select slides via the input box.



  • Just a reminder: The Split method can do most of the heavy lifting when you need to convert a delimited string to an array.

    Sub SplitExample()
        Dim sText As String
        ' This would be your InputBox results, but for demo purposes:
        Dim aInputarray() As String
        Dim x As Long
        sText = "USA,Sweden"
        ' Split takes the text to split and the delimiter as parameters
        ' and returns a 0-based array
        aInputarray = Split(sText, ",")
        For x = LBound(aInputarray) To UBound(aInputarray)
            Debug.Print aInputarray(x)
    End Sub