how can I display date iterval in years (or years + months) using Foundation’s Measurements()? I’ve made it to display interval but biggest unit I’ve found it hours … and it is not valid for me (display with beautiful localisation 87600 hours for 10y interval)
how to fix this?
my code:
// MODEL part
var yearsLived: Measurement<UnitDuration>? {
if let hours = birthDate?.getInterval(toDate: deathDate, component: .hour) {
let hours = Measurement(value: Double(hours), unit: UnitDuration.hours)
return hours
return nil
if let yearsLived = person?.yearsLived {
let formatter = MeasurementFormatter()
formatter.unitStyle = .long
formatter.unitOptions = [.naturalScale]
yearsLivedLabel.text = formatter.string(from: yearsLived)
how can I display date iterval in years (or years + months) using Foundation’s Measurements
You don't. You use DateComponentsFormatter.