I am trying to make changes in the preview page for sales order quotations. I need to replace the "powered by odoo logo" from the page with something else.Here is the screenshot of the page.
I tried to find the page in sale and associated modules in the addons folder. Tried grep -rnw '/path/to/addons/' -e 'Odoo Logo' to find a view, but commenting the lines in the view did't do anything.How is this preview page created? How do i make change in this page?
You have to change the QWeb template with ID "portal_record_sidebar". You can find that in the portal app.
There are a lot of examples in Odoo code how to extend/change QWeb client templates.
Following is a random example from Odoo module website_sale:
<template id="website_sale.brand_promotion" inherit_id="website.brand_promotion">
<xpath expr="//div[hasclass('o_brand_promotion')]" position="replace">
<div class="o_brand_promotion">
Powered by <a target="_blank" class="badge badge-danger" href="http://www.odoo.com/page/website-builder?utm_source=db&utm_medium=website">Odoo</a>,
the #1 <a target="_blank" href="http://www.odoo.com/page/e-commerce?utm_source=db&utm_medium=website">Open Source eCommerce</a>.