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TimeoutException thrown consuming WCF Service hosted in the Network

I'm writing a web application that will be hosted in Electron on a Raspberry PI. The Raspberry PI has a fingerprint scanner attached which returns me a string that I need to check if the fingerprint is registered in my Database on another server. I'm doing this by invoking a WCF Service Method hosted on the network.
Now the problem is when calling the WCF Service I get a timeout after 1 Minute (default timeout) but it works when I'm running the application on my local machine.

Service Code:

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]
public interface IService
        Fingerprint GetFingerprintByUniqueId(string uniqueId);

public class Service : IService
    public Fingerprint GetFingerprintByUniqueId(string uniqueId)
        // This is just a DataBase call, nothing extraordinarily expensive
        using (EvidenceSessionHelper.CreateDefaultWebServiceSession())
            return Fingerprint.MapAuthentifizierungToWebServiceFingerprint(QueryAuthentifizierung.GetFingerprintByUniqueId(uniqueId));

Consumer Code:

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "", ConfigurationName = "ISnackBoxService")]
public interface ISnackBoxService
        Action ="", 
        ReplyAction = "")]
    Fingerprint GetFingerprintByUniqueId(string uniqueId);

public class ServiceClient : ClientBase<IService>, IService
    public SnackBoxServiceClient() : 
            base(GetDefaultBinding(), GetDefaultEndpointAddress())
        Endpoint.Name = EndpointConfiguration.BasicHttpBinding_ISnackBoxService.ToString();

    public enum EndpointConfiguration

    public Fingerprint GetFingerprintByUniqueId(string uniqueId)
        return Channel.GetFingerprintByUniqueId(uniqueId);

The consumer is a ASP.NET Razor app written in .NET Core 3 Preview 5

And I'm calling the Consumer code like so:

var service = new ServiceClient();
var evdFingerprint = service.GetFingerprintByUniqueId("Test String"); // <-- Runs for 1 minute and throws the TimeoutException

Here is the stack trace:

System.TimeoutException: The request channel timed out attempting to send after 00:01:00. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. ---> System.TimeoutException: The HTTP request to '' has exceeded the allotted timeout of 00:01:00. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory`1.HttpClientRequestChannel.HttpClientChannelAsyncRequest.SendRequestAsync(Message message, TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.RequestAsync(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)

Edit: I've done some further testing, it seems like any HTTP request to my local machine isn't getting through as doing wget -o index.html and monitoring my network traffic with wireshark isn't showing me any GET requests to my pc and going to times out as well.
I am however able to ping my local pc and I can even SSH into my Raspberry PI and I can also establish a VNC Remote Desktop session with my Raspberry PI


  • The fix was simple enough, I needed to use HTTPS, so instead of connecting to I needed to connect to