I have a controller as follows:
class MyController @Inject()
cc : ControllerComponents,
) extends AbstractController(cc) with I18Support(
def controllerMethod() = Action{
... //some impl.
I am testing my controller in my Scalatest as follows:
"My Controller" when {
"a user hits this controller method" should {
val controller = new MyController( cc = stubMessageControllerComponents )
"be a 200 OK" in {
whenReady(controller.mycontrollerMethod().apply(FakeRequest("GET", "/"))) {
// some test
My issue is that now I have changed the controller class to inject a configuration object as follows
class MyController @Inject()
config : Configuration,
cc : ControllerComponents,
) extends AbstractController(cc) with I18Support(
def controllerMethod() = Action{
... //some impl.
I now get a compile error in my test because I am not passing in a Configuration object. How can I do that?
"My Controller" when {
"a user hits this controller method" should {
val controller = new MyController(
// <- how can I pass a configuration object here
cc = stubMessageControllerComponents
"be a 200 OK" in {
whenReady(controller.mycontrollerMethod().apply(FakeRequest("GET", "/"))) {
// some test
new MyController(
config = Configuration(ConfigFactory.load())
cc = stubMessageControllerComponents