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Performing Relational Query on Mongodb

I have two collections. One named events and another named applications. Applications contains user application data for paticular event. I want to find those events in which user has not applied.

1. eventId field in applications is DBRef to events collection.
2. userId field in applications is DBRef to users collection.
3. A user can only apply single time to an event.

Please help me out. Thanks in advance.


        "_id" : ObjectId("5d07c45fabb5c771f8a81228"),
        "fee" : 400
        "_id" : ObjectId("5d07c461abb5c771f8a81229"),
        "fee" : 500
        "_id" : ObjectId("5d07c463abb5c771f8a8122a"),
        "fee" : 700
        "_id" : ObjectId("5d07c466abb5c771f8a8122b"),
        "fee" : 800


        "_id" : ObjectId("5d07c4e8abb5c771f8a8122c"),
        "eventId" : ObjectId("5d07c45fabb5c771f8a81228"),
        "userId" : ObjectId("5d07c45fabb5c772f8a81978"),
        "text" : "I am interested"


  • Stage 1: $lookup - Used to join events and applications collections

    Stage 2: $match - Filter the events that don't have any user application

            '$lookup': {
                'from': 'applications', 
                'localField': '_id', 
                'foreignField': 'eventId', 
                'as': 'eventsApps'
        }, {
            '$match': {
                '$expr': {
                    '$lte': [
                            '$size': '$eventsApps'
                        }, 0