I am using the Google Analytics reporting tool in PHP.
I am having trouble when i am Querying the data when the Dimension data is not available.
For example : These are the dimension ga:date,ga:countryIsoCode,ga:eventCategory,ga:eventAction,ga:eventLabel which i have.
These are the metrics ga:totalEvents which i have.
But the problem is that for some data ga:eventLabel is present and for some ga:eventLabel is not Present.
When i query using the dimension and metrics in the result set data does not include the data which does not have ga:eventLabel.
How can i get the data even when the ga:eventLabel is missing?
This is how GA reporting works. Empty dimensions will almost always filter away the other dimensions. (few exceptions where GA uses (not set)) You either need to always add a value to the ga:eventLabel upstream while tracking or do the hard query work. 1. ga:eventCategory 2. ga:eventCategory,ga:eventAction 3. ga:eventCategory,ga:eventAction,ga:eventLabel Then you - intelligently - stitch the dataset together. You need to make sure you don't use result from 1 that is drill down in 2 etc.