I have a list that contains multiple columns, and I need to group and sum rows based on two columns. Can I do this without using a Pandas dataframe?
I have a dataset in a list like this:
User Days Project
Dave 3 Red
Dave 4 Red
Dave 2 Blue
Sue 4 Red
Sue 1 Red
Sue 3 Yellow
[[Dave, 3, Red], [Dave, 4, Red], [Dave, 2, Blue], [Sue, 4, Red], [Sue, 1, Red], [Sue, 3, Yellow]]
What I want to do is output on the same line some totals like this:
User Days Project UserDays ProjectDaysPerUser
Dave 3 Red 9 7
Dave 4 Red 9 7
Dave 2 Blue 9 2
Sue 4 Red 8 5
Sue 1 Red 8 5
Sue 3 Yellow 8 3
So I'm trying to group twice to get the "ProjectDaysPerUser", first by user, then by project. It's this double grouping that's throwing me off.
Is there an easy way to do this without creating a Panda dataframe?
Below script is using groupby and appending the result of the sum to the list.
from itertools import groupby
data = [['Dave', 3, 'Red'], ['Dave', 4, 'Red'], ['Dave', 2, 'Blue'], ['Sue', 4, 'Red'], ['Sue', 1, 'Red'], ['Sue', 3, 'Yellow']]
new_data, final = [], []
userDays=[[k, sum(v[1] for v in g)] for k, g in groupby(data, key = lambda x: x[0])]
projuserDays=[[k, sum(v[1] for v in g)] for k, g in groupby(data, key = lambda x: (x[0], x[2]))]
#add userDays and projectuserdays
for d in data:
for u in userDays:
if d[0]==u[0]:
for p in projuserDays:
if d[0]==p[0][0] and d[2]==p[0][1]:
[['Dave', 3, 'Red', 9, 7],
['Dave', 4, 'Red', 9, 7],
['Dave', 2, 'Blue', 9, 2],
['Sue', 4, 'Red', 8, 5],
['Sue', 1, 'Red', 8, 5],
['Sue', 3, 'Yellow', 8, 3]]