I am trying to calculate the global efficiency of a graph in igraph but I am not sure if I using the module correctly. I think there is a solution that might make a bit of sense but it is in r, and I wasn't able to decipher what they were saying.
I have tried writing the code in a networkx fashion trying to emulate the way they calculate global efficiency but I have been unsuccessful thus far. I am using igraph due to the fact that I am dealing with large graphs. Any help would be really appreciated :D
This is what I have tried:
import igraph
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from itertools import permutations
datasafe = pd.read_csv("b1.csv", index_col=0)
D = datasafe.values
g = igraph.Graph.Adjacency((D > 0).tolist())
g.es['weight'] = D[D.nonzero()]
def efficiency_weighted(g):
weights = g.es["weight"][:]
eff = (1.0 / np.array(g.shortest_paths_dijkstra(weights=weights)))
return eff
def global_efficiecny_weighted(g):
g_eff = sum(efficiency_weighted(g) for u, v in permutations(g, 2))
return g_eff
The error message I am getting says:- TypeError: 'Graph' object is not iterable
Assuming that you want the nodal efficiency for all nodes, then you can do this:
import numpy as np
from igraph import *
# Example using a random graph with 20 nodes
g = Graph.Erdos_Renyi(20,0.5)
# Assign weights on the edges. Here 1s everywhere
g.es["weight"] = np.ones(g.ecount())
def nodal_eff(g):
weights = g.es["weight"][:]
sp = (1.0 / np.array(g.shortest_paths_dijkstra(weights=weights)))
ne= (1.0/(N-1)) * np.apply_along_axis(sum,0,sp)
return ne
eff = nodal_eff(g)
#[0.68421053 0.81578947 0.73684211 0.76315789 0.76315789 0.71052632
# 0.81578947 0.81578947 0.81578947 0.73684211 0.71052632 0.68421053
# 0.71052632 0.81578947 0.84210526 0.76315789 0.68421053 0.68421053
# 0.78947368 0.76315789]
To get the global just do: