I am actually trying to add the possibility to update a field in a SonataList.
I followed the documentation of symfony => https://symfony.com/doc/3.x/bundles/SonataAdminBundle/reference/action_list.html
And I did this code
->add('status', 'choice', [
'label' => 'Status',
'class' => 'secret',
'editable' => true,
'choices' => [
$inquiry_service::_statusInWaiting => 'En attente',
$inquiry_service::_statusValidated => 'Validé',
$inquiry_service::_statusRejected => 'Rejeté',
The result is that I can select on my list my 3 choices but when I try to update the data I have this following error =>
Catchable Fatal Error: Method WF\Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\FieldDescription::__toString() must return a string value
Which options I missed ?
After few hours, I found that the FieldDescription object returned 'true' to '$this->getLabel' and It was a sonata issue due to an outdated version.
To solve it without updated my version, I created a template with a choice form.