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I want to Create Xunit test for this controller. How can i do that

I have created small kind of xunit test case but I don't know how to create this controller which i have mention below.

    public class PropertyController : ControllerBase
        private readonly IMediator _mediator;
        private readonly ILogger<PropertyController> _logger;

        public PropertyController(IMediator mediator, ILogger<PropertyController> logger)
            _mediator = mediator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mediator));
            _logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
        public async Task<IActionResult> AddProperty([FromBody] AddPropertyCommand command)
            bool commandResult = false;
                "----- Sending command: {CommandName} - {IdProperty}: {CommandId} ({@Command})",
            commandResult = await _mediator.Send(command);
            if (!commandResult)
                return BadRequest();
            return Ok();

I have created like this. i have mock the dependency and create a test case for add command is working fine or not

public class PropertyControllerTest
        private readonly PropertyController _it;
        private readonly Mock<IMediator> _mediatorMock;
        private readonly Mock<ILogger<PropertyController>> _loggerPropertycontrollerMock;

        public PropertyControllerTest()
            _mediatorMock = new Mock<IMediator>();
            _loggerPropertycontrollerMock = new Mock<ILogger<PropertyController>>();
            _it = new PropertyController(_mediatorMock.Object, _loggerPropertycontrollerMock.Object);
        public void it_Should_add_information_successfully_and_returns_200_status_result()
            //How can i write xunit test case. I'm creating like this
            _mediatorMock.Setup(x => x.Send().Returns(property);   


  • The test below covers the 200 status result - a similar test for bad requests would be very similar.

    public void it_Should_add_information_successfully_and_returns_200_status_result()
        // Arrange
        var expected = new AddPropertyCommand();
        _mediatorMock.Setup(x => x.Send(It.IsAny<AddPropertyCommand>())).Returns(true);
        // Act
        var actionResult = _it.AddProperty(expected);
        // Assert
        _mediatorMock.Verify(x => x.Send(expected));

    N.B. actionResult.ShouldBeAssignableTo<OkResult>(); is written using the Shouldly assertion framework, you can swap that out for anything you like. The one built into XUnit would be like this: Assert.IsType(typeof(OkResult), actionResult);