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What is the type of in Haskell?

I want to find the type of The first image is a solution that i have found, but i don't quite get. My solution would have been like in the second image, but it is wrong. I do not understand the marked bit of the solution. Why is it like that?

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  • Short answer: the arrow type constructor (->) is a right associative operator.

    The arrow is right associative. This means that if you write:

    map :: (d -> e) ->  [d] -> [e]

    more verbose, you wrote:

    map :: (d -> e) -> ([d] -> [e])

    So given the first parameter of (.) has type (a -> b), this thus means that the type (d -> e) -> ([d] -> [e]) ~ a -> b (~ means the same type), and thus a ~ d -> e and b ~ [d] -> [e]. The same of course holds when we type check with the second map.

    With that in mind we thus, like the nodes say derive:

    (.) map map :: (f -> g) -> ([[f]] -> [[g]])

    This thus means that this function takes a function of type f -> g, and maps all the elements in the lists of a list to a list of lists maintaining the structure.

    For example:

    Prelude> (.) map map (+1) [[1,4,2,5], [], [1,3], [2]]