I need to beautify an existing view through a userscript (TamperMonkey). The code works in JSFiddle (see http://jsfiddle.net/2phrogm5/), but not where I need it: inside the Zabbix web interface.
To replicate the issue:
JSON.stringify({"asd": {"asd": 3}}, null, 4)
Expected result:
"asd": {
"asd": 3
My output:
The issue doesn't exist using Developer Tools on https://stackoverflow.com/.
I already tried the solution provided in JSON.stringify() array bizarreness with Prototype.js, with no success.
Looking at the source code of the Zabbix web interface, you can see where the method is overwritten:
zabbix-software$ egrep -iR "JSON.stringify *="
frontends/php/jsLoader.php: 'var _json_stringify = JSON.stringify;'.
frontends/php/jsLoader.php: 'JSON.stringify = function(value) {'.
The original function is still available, just with a different name: _json_stringify()
. The updated jsfiddle is http://jsfiddle.net/u7r8q19g/
in Zabbix 5 they put the thing back where it came from or so help me, so now I'm doing:
if (typeof _json_stringify === "function") {
item.html(_json_stringify(JSON.parse(text), undefined, 4))
} else {
item.html(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(text), undefined, 4))