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How to use a Chef custom resource name as a variable?

If we are defining a resource such that it will be used as such:

custom_resource 'name' do  
  some_property some_value
  action :create

Is there a way I can use name as a variable in my custom resource definition? Similar to how the file resource uses the name as a path.

file '/var/www/myfile.php' do
  content '<html>Some HTML</html>'
  mode '0755'
  owner 'web_admin'
  group 'web_admin'


  • By default all the custom resources have the name property which you can access

    If you need some other property to become name property, as file resource has path property as name, you must add name_property: true to its declaration in your resource like that:

    property :some_property, String, name_property: true