Search code examples

How do I group on continuous ranges

I know some basic SQL, but this one is beyond me. I have looked high and low but no dice. I need a view of the following data, I can do this in the application layer code. But unfortunately for this particular one, the code must be put in the data layer.

I am using T-SQL.


Date      Crew       DayType
01-02-11  John Doe  SEA  
02-02-11  John Doe  SEA  
03-02-11  John Doe  SEA  
04-02-11  John Doe  HOME  
05-02-11  John Doe  HOME  
06-02-11  John Doe  SEA 

I need a view like this

DateFrom  DateTo    Name      DayType
01-02-11  03-02-11  John Doe  SEA
04-02-11  05-02-11  John Doe  HOME
06-02-11  06-02-11  John Doe  SEA

Unfortunately, the base table is required for the application layer to be in the format shown. Is this possible to do in a query?


  • WITH    q AS
            SELECT  *,
                    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY crew, dayType ORDER BY [date]) AS rnd,
                    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY crew ORDER BY [date]) AS rn
            FROM    mytable
    SELECT  MIN([date]), MAX([date]), crew AS name, dayType
    FROM    q
            crew, dayType, rnd - rn

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