I have the following structure in haskell, which implements some machinery for printing and calls the unifier. I get the following error from main:
0 =/= int
It seems to think that 0 is a number rather than a variable. Below is the full implementation.
data CType
= CVar Int
| CArr CType CType
| CInt
| CBool
deriving (Eq, Data)
data Constraint
= Equality CType CType
deriving (Eq, Data)
I have some base types (int and bool), an arrow type, and type variables. Then I am running some algorithms that generate equality constraints which are represented in the way above.
My goal is that given a list of constraints, I want to find the most general unifier.
I came across this library: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/compdata-0.1/docs/Data-Comp-Unification.html
Since I am new to Haskell, I can't immediately figure out if I can directly apply it. Could I use this library or am I recommended to write the unifier from scratch?
I am currently making the following changes to the code, but am getting a unification error for the equation
module SolveEq where
import Data.Data
import Data.Void
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Control.Monad
import TypeCheck
import Data.Comp.Variables
import Data.Comp.Unification
import Data.Comp.Term
import Data.Comp.Derive
import Constraint
import Lang
data CTypeF a
= CVarF Int
| CArrF a a
| CIntF
| CBoolF
deriving (Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show, Eq)
$(makeShowF ''CTypeF)
example :: String
example = showF (CIntF :: CTypeF String)
instance HasVars CTypeF Int where
isVar (CVarF x) = Just x
isVar (CArrF x y) = Nothing
isVar CIntF = Nothing
isVar CBoolF = Nothing
type CType_ = Term CTypeF
f :: CType_
f = Term (CVarF 0)
g :: CType_
g = Term CIntF
unravel :: CType_ -> CType
unravel a =
case unTerm a of
CVarF i -> CVar i
CArrF a b -> CArr (unravel a) (unravel b)
CIntF -> CInt
CBoolF -> CBool
getUnify :: Either (UnifError CTypeF Int) (Subst CTypeF Int)
getUnify = unify [(f,g)]
main = case getUnify of
Left (FailedOccursCheck v term) -> putStrLn ("failed occurs check " ++ show v ++ ": " ++ (show $ unravel term))
Left (HeadSymbolMismatch t1 t2) -> putStrLn ("head symbol mismatch " ++ show (unravel t1) ++ " =/= " ++ (show $ unravel t2))
Left (UnifError str) -> putStrLn str
Right (subst :: Subst CTypeF Int) -> print (fmap unravel subst)
The issue is in unify [(f,g)]
which I would have expected to map 0 to Int. But it seems to not see that 0 is a variable. Is there something wrong with my isVar possibly?
Note: I am running with compdata-0.12
I believe you can use that library, but you'll have to make a minor change to your data structure. Specifically, you'll have to rewrite it as a signature functor instead of a recursive data type.
Here's what that means: your CType
type is recursive because it contains other instances of CType
within one of its constructors (CArr
). Rewriting a recursive data type as a signature means making a data type that takes a type parameter, and using that type parameter everywhere you'd use recursion instead. Like this:
data CTypeF a
= CVar Int
| CArr a a
| CInt
| CBool
deriving (Eq, Data)
Now, in your program, where you previously passed around CType
s, you'll need to work with something a little more complicated than just CTypeF
. Your new CType
-equivalent needs to apply CTypeF
circularly, to itself. Fortunately, Term
does this for you, so import Data.Comp.Term
and replace all your CType
s with Term CTypeF
s. (You can, of course, always alias type CType = Term CTypeF
to save some typing; just be aware that Term CTypeF
is not literally the same as your original CType
; you'll need to add some Term
constructors to places that produce and consume CType
Finally, in order to use the unification machinery in compdata
, you'll need an instance of HasVars
for CTypeF
that identifies your CVar
constructor as a variable. You'll also need to make CTypeF
both a Functor
and Foldable
, but if you enable the DeriveFunctor
and DeriveFoldable
language features, GHC can do this for you—it's a strictly mechanical process.
When running unify
, you need to make sure you're doing it in a context where the error monad m
and the variable type v
are unambiguous. There are many ways to do this, but for the sake of example, let's say that we're using the simplest error monad Either e
as our m
, and of course you'll want v
to be Int
. So you might write:
f = Term (CVar 2)
g = Term CInt
-- By matching against Left and Right, we're letting GHC know that unify
-- should return an Either; this disambiguates `m`
main = case unify [(f, g)] of
Left _ -> print "did not unify"
Right subst -> doMoreWork subst
-- The Int here disambiguates `v`
doMoreWork :: Subst CTypeF Int -> IO ()
doMoreWork subst = undefined -- fill in the blank!