I try to solve the factor x which multiply the sum of a vector 'Factor'. The sum of the vector 'Factor' should be the sum like the sum of the vector 'Basic'. First of all I read a csv which look like the following DataFrame:
Thanks for help in advance.
Well, I tried it with minimize and bounce too. Maybe it will be better to use scipy.optimize?
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize, optimize
import numpy as np
dffunc=pd.read_csv(path, decimal=',', delimiter=';')
def f(x, FacSum):
return BaseSum-FacSum*x
con = {'type': 'ineq',
'fun': lambda BaseSum,FacSum: BaseSum-FacSum,
'args': (FacSum,)}
result = minimize(f,(x,FacSum), args=(FacSum,), method='SLSQP', constraints=con)
raise ValueError("Objective function must return a scalar")
ValueError: Objective function must return a scalar
I don't think you necessarily need scipy.optimize.minimize
. Since you are minimizing a scalar, you can use scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar
(docs). This can be done like the following:
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
import numpy as np
# define vecs
basic_vec = np.array([123, 342, 235, 123, 56, 345, 234, 123, 345, 54, 234]).reshape(11, 1)
factor_vec = np.array([234, 345, 453, 345, 456, 457, 23, 45, 56, 567, 5]).reshape(11, 1)
# define sums
BaseSum = np.sum(basic_vec)
FacSum = np.sum(factor_vec)
# define
f = lambda x, FacSum: np.abs(BaseSum - FacSum * x)
result = minimize_scalar(f, args = (FacSum,), bounds = (0, FacSum), method = 'bounded')
# prints
print("x = ", result.x)
print("BaseSum - FacSum * x = ", f(result.x, FacSum))
x = 0.741461642947231
BaseSum - FacSum * x = 0.004465840431748802
Moreover, I am not even sure why do you even need to use a minimization when you can simply do:
x = BaseSum/FacSum