I'm building a website and I want to use the WebP
format for my images. I know than not all browsers support it, so I want to display an alternative JPG
image if WebP
is not supported. I have a div
with this class applied to it:
background: linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgba(89, 167, 255, 0.5), rgba(0, 31, 62, 0.7)), url('../assets/images/image.webp');
I want to add something to this class that displays an alternative image.jpg
if the website is used on a browser that doesn't support WebP
. How can I achieve this (With pure CSS)?
There is a good guide for what you want to obtain on CSS Tricks:
Pure css isn´t the best way to solve this, you´ve to detect if the client supports webp and css won´t do this.
So you need as example Modenizr to detect if the client supports webp or not.
After you´ve choosen what you need (webp) you will get a small js file. Add it to your page like:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" />
<script src="js/modernizr-custom.js"></script>
Now basicly you´ll create your class like this:
.no-webp .elementWithBackgroundImage {
background-image: url("image.jpg");
.webp .elementWithBackgroundImage{
background-image: url("image.webp");
There is even a solution for clients that have deactivated js but this needs a little inline script which can be found in the CSS Tricks article as well.
Your class would look like this:
.no-webp-my-class .elementWithBackgroundImage{
background: linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgba(89, 167, 255, 0.5), rgba(0, 31, 62, 0.7)), url('../assets/images/image.jpg');
.my-class .elementWithBackgroundImage{
background: linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgba(89, 167, 255, 0.5), rgba(0, 31, 62, 0.7)), url('../assets/images/image.webp');
There is another way but it needs some work and php. Basicly it´s nothing more than a browser switch and you have to spilt up your stylesheet.
To make things easier create a file named stylesheet.php or whatever and declare the header:
header("Content-type: text/css;charset=UTF-8");
to save some work this soulution will read the existing .css file and give it out as an echo:
header("Content-type: text/css;charset=UTF-8");
$file_read = fopen("stylesheet.css","r+");
while(! feof($file_read)) {
$css= fgets($file_read);
echo "$css";
Now all classes which use a webp image can be switched by checking if the browser exepts webp.
if( strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'image/webp' ) !== false ) {
// webp is supported!
else {
// webp is not supported!
Which would lead to this:
header("Content-type: text/css;charset=UTF-8");
$file_read = fopen("stylesheet.css","r+");
while(! feof($file_read)) {
$css= fgets($file_read);
echo "$css";
if( strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'image/webp' ) !== false ) {
echo "
.my-class .elementWithBackgroundImage{
background: linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgba(89, 167, 255, 0.5), rgba(0, 31, 62, 0.7)), url('../assets/images/image.webp');
else {
echo "
.my-class {
background: linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgba(89, 167, 255, 0.5), rgba(0, 31, 62, 0.7)), url('../assets/images/image.jpg');
I´ve forgotten something: You can add the .php file like a normale .css file to your html:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.php" media="screen"/>