I want to unload a node-module completely.
This is for node plugin system which automatically loads some modules. To check if every needed property is present I load and unload the module, as I need to run it as a child_process (to unblock my main application). I found some answers leading in this direction, but none of it worked for me.
const pluginPath = "./path-to-my/index.js";
const plugin = require(path.resolve(pluginPath));
// Performing my testing
// delete require.cache[pluginPath]; // first try
unloader()(path.resolve(pluginPath)); // does the same but to child modules too
// see unloader.js
module.exports = () => {
const d = [];
const isDone = m => (d.indexOf(m) !== -1);
const done = m => d.push(m);
return (name) => {
let resolvedName = require.resolve(name);
if ((!isDone(resolvedName) && !isDone(name))) {
let nodeModule = require.cache[resolvedName];
if (nodeModule) {
for (let i = 0; i < nodeModule.children.length; i++) {
let child = nodeModule.children[i];
delete require.cache[resolvedName];
after performing this unloading I am still able to call plugin.func1() -a stupid function returning 1.
You delete the reference from require.cache[moduleName], but the reference to the module still exists as plugin
in your main script. If you unassign it (plugin = null
), and there are no other references hanging around, it should eventually be garbage collected.