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Is it possible to use curly braces in case selector in bash?

I want to make some actions for matched lines in a case switch. And because strings are long, I wanted to use bash curly braces. But it does not work.

This code without curly braces works as expected:

for i in longstr_one longstr_two; do
    case $i in
    longstr_one| longstr_five)
        echo matched $i
        echo no matches of $i

And I got expected result:

matched longstr_one
no matches of longstr_two

But the following code with curly braces does not:

for i in longstr_one longstr_two; do
    case $i in
        echo matched $i
        echo no matches of $i

And I got incorrect result:

no matches of longstr_one
no matches of longstr_two

Why it is not working? Is it possible to use curly braces in case selector in bash?


  • Since brace expansion isn't done in case patterns, you could use bash's extended glob syntax instead:

    shopt -s extglob
    for i in longstr_one longstr_two; do
        case $i in
        longstr_@(one|five) )
            echo "matched $i"
            echo "no matches of $i"

    The syntax @(this|that|theother|...) matches any one of the subpatterns.