I am using Laravel Spatie package and I have inserted all the permissions that I want and an Admin Role.
What I am trying to do:
I am trying to check in each route whether user is an admin (can do ANYTHING) or not an admin and has a certain permission.
What I have tried:
I have tried to add |
Route::get('/', 'SeasonsController@index')
-> name('index')
-> middleware(['role:admin|permission:seasons show active']);
What happened VS expected behavior:
Whenever I log in with a user that has seasons show active
permission I get 403 Forbidden
But if I removed role:admin
the user get the permission.
it's preferrable to work with permissions only.
Grant all the permission to your role admin (seasons show active ... and others). Then you will not need role:admin in your middleware.
To grant all permissions on your role admin code like below should do the job
$permissions = \Spatie\Permission\Models\Permission::all()
$role = \Spatie\Permission\Models\Role::where('name', 'admin')->first();
// foreach on permissions
// end foreach