I want to know how to add a timer/cool-down to a specific key-button that is pressed. For example, the user is spamming the attack key (in my case p) and I want to add a cooldown to where the person cannot spam this button (in air and on ground). Here is the problem: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XH-u-1qm2I0ftlCLPSsPMjTJjJGQdsUp/view?usp=sharing
As you can see in the video the person can spam the attack button indefinitely and removes the purpose of the game.
I have tried setting a sleep timer such as def sleeper(): if input() == "p": s(20) but I dont think that is how you do it. Other than that I dont know any other methods to try.
Link to my entire code: https://hastebin.com/zujanifisu.py
More specific code:
def movement(self, window):
if self.runcount >= 3:
self.runcount = 0
if self.running == True:
self.runcount +=1
self.hitbox_running = pygame.Rect(self.player_x+30,self.player_y+20,48,70)
pygame.draw.rect(window,(255,0,0),self.hitbox_running, 2)
if (keys[pygame.K_DOWN]) or ((keys[pygame.K_DOWN]) and keys[pygame.K_p]):
if self.player_y == 378:
self.running = False
if self.slidecount >= 4:
self.slidecount = 0
if self.sliding:
self.slidecount +=1
pygame.draw.rect(window,(255,0,0),self.hitbox_sliding, 2)
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if (event.key == pygame.K_DOWN )and self.player_y < self.width:
self.running = False
self.jumping = False
self.fallspeed += 0.2
if self.fallingcount >= 1:
self.fallingcount = 0
if self.fall:
window.blit(falling[self.fallingcount], (int(self.player_x),int(self.player_y)))
self.hitbox_falling = pygame.Rect(self.player_x+30,self.player_y,35,80)
pygame.draw.rect(window,(255,0,0),self.hitbox_falling, 2)
self.fallingcount +=1
if keys[pygame.K_UP] and keys[pygame.K_p] :
self.fallspeed = 0.3
self.running = False
self.jumping = False
self.sliding = False
if self.attackcount >= 16:
self.attackcount = 0
if self.attacking:
self.attackcount += 1
self.hitbox_attacking = pygame.Rect(self.player_x+30,self.player_y+20,38,70)
self.hitbox_sword = pygame.Rect(self.player_x+72, self.player_y+20, 20, 50)
pygame.draw.rect(window,(255,0,0),self.hitbox_attacking, 2)
pygame.draw.rect(window,(255,0,0),self.hitbox_sword, 2)
if self.jumpingcount >= 20:
self.jumpingcount = 0
if self.jumping and self.player_y < self.width:
self.hitbox_jumping = pygame.Rect((self.player_x+20),(self.player_y+20),52,55)
pygame.draw.rect(window,(255,0,0),self.hitbox_jumping, 2)
self.jumpingcount +=1
self.fallspeed = 0.3
if keys[pygame.K_UP]:
self.fallspeed = 0.3
self.running = False
if self.jumpingcount >= 20:
self.jumpingcount = 0
if self.jumping and self.player_y < self.width:
self.hitbox_jumping = pygame.Rect((self.player_x+20),(self.player_y+20),52,55)
pygame.draw.rect(window,(255,0,0),self.hitbox_jumping, 2)
self.jumpingcount +=1
self.fallspeed = 0.3
if keys[pygame.K_p] and not keys[pygame.K_UP]:
self.running = False
self.jumping = False
self.sliding = False
if self.attackcount >= 16:
self.attackcount = 0
if self.attacking:
self.hitbox_attacking = pygame.Rect(self.player_x+30,self.player_y+20,38,70)
self.hitbox_sword = pygame.Rect(self.player_x+72, self.player_y+20, 20, 50)
self.attackcount += 1
pygame.draw.rect(window,(255,0,0),self.hitbox_attacking, 2)
pygame.draw.rect(window,(255,0,0),self.hitbox_sword, 2)
if keys[pygame.K_DOWN] and keys[pygame.K_UP]:
self.running = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
self.running = True
self.jumping = True
self.fallspeed = 0.3
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
if event.key == pygame.K_p:
self.running = True
self.jumping = True
self.sliding = True
Most of the problem is with the keys[pygame.k_p]
I want to add a timer to the overall button p, so when pressed like 2-3 times it cannot be pressed for another 2-3 seconds.
When a key was pressed, then you've to store the time when the key is allowed to be "pressed" again.
Use Dictionary for that:
key_timeout = {}
Write a function in global scope which checks if a key is pressed and allowed to be pressed. The parameters to the function are the state of the keys (pygame.key.get_pressed()
), the key and the time out time in milliseconds:
def getPressed(keys, key, timeout):
If the key is not pressed the function returns False
if keys[key] == False:
return False
Use pygame.time.get_ticks()
to get the time in get the time in milliseconds:
current_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
If a timeout time is stored in the dictionary and and the time is less than the time when the key is allowed to be pressed again, then the function returns False
if key in key_timeout and key_timeout[key] > current_time:
return Fase
Add the timeout time to the current time, this is the time when the key is allowed to be pressed again and store it to the dictionary.
key_timeout[key] = current_time + timeout
Full code of the function:
key_timeout = {}
def getPressed(keys, key, timeout):
global key_timeout
if keys[key] == False:
return False
current_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
if key in key_timeout and key_timeout[key] > current_time:
return False
key_timeout[key] = current_time + timeout
return True
Instead of if keys[pygame.k_p]:
you can call:
if getPressed(keys, pygame.k_p, 2000): # 2000 milliseconds == 2 seconds
# [...]
If you ask for the state of a key (e.g. keys[pygame.k_p]
) multiple times in a function, then you've to store the result of getPressed()
to a variable and use the variable instead. e.g.:
key_p_pressed = getPressed(keys, pygame.k_p, 2000)
if (keys[pygame.K_DOWN]) or ((keys[pygame.K_DOWN]) and key_p_pressed ):
# [...]
if keys[pygame.K_UP] and key_p_pressed:
# [...]
if key_p_pressed and not keys[pygame.K_UP]:
# [...]