I want to take three inputs on the frontend- start_val, end_val, and increment_val and post these values to the backend in real time. On the server I want to perform some operation and send it back to client.
I'm confused on how to proceed.
Example Input - start_val = 10, end_val = 50, increment_val = 10( This s taken from the client side .
Output = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] returned back to the client from the server
To create a Real-Time Web App(Bidirectional communication), you can use Socket.io in your Node.js server
Basically create a Node.js App(with Socket.io and Express.js) and consume socket endpoints with your Client App(Angular7)
This article explains it in detail that how to create a Real-Time App with Node.js, Socket.IO and Angular7