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Android - How to store array of classes in res xml

I want to store list of classes inside an xml on my res, so I can use it globally just using the index.

    <array name="array_class">

in my activity

int index = x; // i get the the index from database
TypedArray arrayClass = getActivity().getResources()
Class myClass = (Class) arrayClass.getString(index);

It throw me an error, cannot cast String to Class. Yeah I know, I cannot do that. So how the correct way to store array of classes on res? or any alternative way to call Class[] value globally??


  • Inside your resource file store full name of all classes including package name

        <array name="array_class">

    Then in Java code, you can retrieve by the following method

    try {
        int index = x; // i get the the index from database
        TypedArray arrayClass = getActivity().getResources().(R.array.array_class);
        Class<?> act = Class.forName(arrayClass.getString(index));
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

    Hope it helps