I am new to Laravel. I have easily implemented Laravel email verification for the registered based on Laravel https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/verification
its working fine for testing purpose in local server. now I want to upload to server. now it's using default Mailtrap to receive an email of all the users.
class User extends Authenticatable implements MustVerifyEmail
use Notifiable;
My requirement is after registering, the email should send to the registered emailId, not to the mailtrap account. I have researched a lot on this in google but all the solution is only for sending emails to mailtrap or others but instead, I want to send to the users' email ID with the verification link.
I am assuming you have successfully implemented the activation email. For your application to send email to the registered user email address you need to provide your email server SMTP credentials. For live application, you can not use mail trap credentials. If you use mailtrap credentials you will only get emails to your mail trap account.
If you do not have live smtp server credential, you can create a Gmail account and user Gmail SMTP credentials.
And one more thing, if you are using Gmail, change settings for Less secure app
from your google account.