I create the Login panel in Roku. At a Login time, I click ok button to navigate another panel it is possible.
I create a login panel with using two text boxes one for username and another for password and two buttons one for sign-in and another for cancel. An issue is I click the sign-in button but not click event fire
I use button group and the following code in onkeyevent
if m.btngrp.buttonSelected = 0 then
if key = "OK"
? "print the sign-in button"
end if
else if m.btngrp.buttonSelected = 1 then
if key = "OK"
? "print the setting button"
end if
? "nothing press"
end if
please anyone find these problem help me.
I'm assuming you already have an observer set in the Button Group component:
m.btngrp.observeField("buttonSelected", "onButtonSelected")
Then, in the callback you should have:
function onButtonSelected()
if m.btngrp.buttonSelected = 0 then
? "print the sign-in button"
else if m.btngrp.buttonSelected = 1 then
? "print the setting button"
end if
end function