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How do i get the list of Reviewers for a pull request using Github api?

I need the list of reviewers for a PR, and the Review Requests API present in Github only provides me the requested reviewers which becomes empty once the reviewers have accepted their invitations. I also tried the Reviews API to get all reviews and then get unique users, but that seems to be only for users who enter one and not for those who have accepted the request review invitation and never posted a review.


  • Just went through this problem with the following solution.

    According to GitHub's documentation:

    GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:pull_number/requested_reviewers

    Pull request authors and repository owners and collaborators can request a pull request review from anyone with write access to the repository. Each requested reviewer will receive a notification asking them to review the pull request.

    Test Request:


        "users": [],
        "teams": []

    Since nobody is settle on this public test repo, of course it's empty. Remember, they need to have write access on your repository. This worked pretty well on my private project.