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How to set timeout on prompting user for yes or no to shutdown Windows PC?

I am trying to shutdown Windows at specific time every day.

I am using task scheduler to shutdown Windows at a specific time. I am using a batch a file for this which is working.

set /p a="Are you turn off computer (y/n)"
if %a%==y (shutdown.exe /s /t 00) else (echo "")

I want to add some other functions in that. I already added user input and if else statement which ask from user to shutdown Windows or not.

Now I want to add a command which checks and executes shutdown command if user does not give any input within a certain time, but I don't know how to do this.


  • use the choice command:

    choice /t 10 /d y /m "Shutdown"
    if errorlevel 2 (echo that's a no & goto :eof)
    shutdown /s /t 0

    /t 10 gives a timeout of 10 seconds.
    /d y is the default (what's chosen after the timeout)
    /m "Shutdown is the prompt string.