I am trying to define a function counting the values that are less than 0 for two vectors x=rnorm(100) and y=rnorm(500).
Define another function to calculate the proportion that values are less than 0 for x and y respectively.
I will like to compare calculated proportions with theoretical proportion 0.5.
myf <- function (x)
a <- rnorm(100)
b <- x[x < 0]
myf (x)
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(500)
countnegatives <- function(a,b){
counta <- sum(a<0); countb <- sum(b<0)
paste(deparse(substitute(a)), "has", counta, "negative numbers",
deparse(substitute(b)), "has", countb, "negative numbers")
#> [1] "x has 44 negative numbers and y has 267 negative numbers"
Or you can simply return c(counta, countb)
in your function. If you want to get the proportions, you can divide counta/length(a)
and the same for b
and return that in your function.