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Doobie. Compose .update.withGeneratedKeys() and

Referencing to this question.
I want to insert some entity by some condition. It can either be inserted or not. If the condition is true the entity is inserted. I want to insert some other data in various tables. It looks like this:

val q = sql"insert into some_table (some_field) select 42 where ...(some condition)"

val inserts = List(
  sql"insert ...",
  sql"insert ...",
  sql"insert ..."

for {
  id <- q.update.withGeneratedKeys[Long]("id")   
  _ <- inserts.reduce(_ ++ _)
} yield id

The problem is this does not compile because the first insert is a fs2.Stream but the second one is not.

I was trying to replace _ <- inserts.reduce... with _ = inserts.reduce. The app can compile but inserts in the second line does not occur.

My possible way to solve this problem:

for {
  idOpt <- q.update.withGeneratedKeys[Long]("id").compile.last   
  _ <- idOpt.fold(0.pure[ConnectionIO])(_ => inserts.reduce(_ ++ _)
} yield idOpt

This works, but IMHO this is not pretty. Is there a better way to do it?


  • One way to perform your batch inserts - if you have similar data - is to use updateMany - see doc:

    import doobie._
    type PersonInfo = (String, Option[Short])
    def insertMany(ps: List[PersonInfo]): ConnectionIO[Int] = {
      val sql = "insert into person (name, age) values (?, ?)"
    // Some rows to insert
    val data = List[PersonInfo](
      ("Frank", Some(12)),
      ("Daddy", None))

    Also, if you remove.compile.last, you can use the fact that if your resulting Stream q.update.withGeneratedKeys[Long]("id") is empty, you 'exit early' the for-comprehension.

    So all in all, here is what you could do:

    import fs2.Stream
    val result =
      // Now the for-comprehension operates on a Stream instead of an Option
      for {
        r <- q.update.withGeneratedKeys[Long]("id")   
        _ <- Stream.eval(insertMany(data)) // insertMany(data) is defined like in the snippet above
      } yield r