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Template Dialogue Box not showing up when trying to create a new file in a Xcode Workspace

When I right click to add a new file (or do File -> New -> File), I don't get a dialogue box asking me which Template I want to use. It just creates a blank file like this:

I tried renaming it to a .swift file and adding in all the necessary code to start off, but two things happen:

  1. First, the autocomplete function is one step behind. So when I've already typed import UIKit and moved on, it starts trying to autocomplete UIKit. And when I've already typed class className: UICollectionViewController { } and moved on, it starts trying to autcomplete UICollectionViewController

  2. After I manually type in the bare minimum needed to make a swift file into a UICollectionViewController with a colored background, I can't reference it in my other files.

I can only assume this is because of the lack of a template dialogue box, but maybe I'm wrong. Is there any way to toggle this template dialogue box on or off?

This problem is only happening with this particular project since I updated to Xcode 10.1

I can't seem to find anyone else online who's already had this issue. The only similar questions I found online were referring to creating reference folders rather than groups. I didn't find anything regarding the file template dialogue box not showing up.


  • I fixed this and I'll post the answer in case anyone else comes across this problem.

    It was tedious, but I:

    • Created a new project
    • Initialized my podfile, added what was in the previous one, and installed it
    • Opened up the new workspace
    • Added each file one by one

    Maybe there's an easier/quicker way to do it, but after looking through all the settings and not finding anything, I ended up doing this and it worked.