I've taken an algorithm from https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitmap/Flood_fill
and test it with R language. Added diagonal neighnors matching (like Queeni
floodfill <- function(row, col, tcol, rcol) {
if (tcol == rcol) return()
if (M[row, col] != tcol) return()
Q <- matrix(c(row, col), 1, 2)
while (dim(Q)[1] > 0) {
n <- Q[1, , drop = FALSE]
west <- cbind(n[1] , n[2] - 1)
east <- cbind(n[1] , n[2] + 1)
north <- cbind(n[1] + 1, n[2] )
south <- cbind(n[1] - 1, n[2] )
nwest <- cbind(n[1] - 1, n[2] - 1)
neast <- cbind(n[1] - 1, n[2] + 1)
swest <- cbind(n[1] + 1, n[2] - 1)
seast <- cbind(n[1] + 1, n[2] + 1)
Q <- Q[-1, , drop = FALSE]
if (M[n] == tcol) {
M[n] <<- rcol
if (M[west] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, west)
if (M[east] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, east)
if (M[north] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, north)
if (M[south] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, south)
if (M[nwest] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, nwest)
if (M[neast] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, neast)
if (M[swest] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, swest)
if (M[seast] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, seast)
return("filling completed")
I'm not sure what doing wrong. I get error for such execution:
a matrix:
M = matrix(c(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
c(0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1)), nrow = 6, byrow = T)
a call:
> floodfill(row=3, col=3, tcol=1, rcol=2)
Error in if (M[west] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, west) :
argument is of length zero
Starting from (3,3) it fills on the beginning but filling stops somewhere at column 6 and the rest is not replaced with 2s. Are my modifications wrong or Rosetta code?
The "solution" provided on the rosetta stone doens't do any bounds checking on the array. Here's an alternative that does
floodfill <- function(row, col, tcol, rcol) {
if (tcol == rcol) return()
if (M[row, col] != tcol) return()
Q <- matrix(c(row, col), 1, 2)
moves <- matrix(c(-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1,
-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), ncol=2)
check <- function(p) {
if(p[,1] >= 1 & p[,1] <= nrow(M) & p[,2] >= 1 & p[,2] <= ncol(M)) {
if (M[p] == tcol)
Q <<- rbind(Q, p)
while (dim(Q)[1] > 0) {
n <- Q[1, , drop = FALSE]
dirs <- cbind(n[1] + moves[,1], n[2] + moves[,2])
Q <- Q[-1, , drop = FALSE]
if (M[n] == tcol) {
M[n] <<- rcol
for(i in seq.int(nrow(dirs)))
check(dirs[i, , drop=FALSE])
return("filling completed")