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How to retrive facts asserted by a rule having particular name?

I have certain template defined as follows:

(deftemplate action
    (slot name)
    (slot field)
    (slot value))

I have other rules which will use other facts to assert the action fact.

Now I want to retrieve only the fact with template action.

For now, I am using find-fact to retrieve, but here I have to use query which I do not want to provide.

(find-fact ((?fact action)) (= (str-compare ?fact:name 'Action1') 0))

I want all facts with template action and do not want to write a loop over all names with Action1, Action2 etc..

Thank you in advance.


  •          CLIPS (6.31 4/1/19)
    (deftemplate action
        (slot name)
        (slot field)
        (slot value))
    (deffacts actions
       (action (name Action1) (field x) (value 3))
       (action (name Action2) (field y) (value 4))
       (action (name Action3) (field z) (value 5)))
    (defrule find-Action1
       (action (name Action1))
    CLIPS> (reset)
    CLIPS> (agenda)
    0      find-Action1: f-1
    For a total of 1 activation.
    CLIPS> (facts)
    f-0     (initial-fact)
    f-1     (action (name Action1) (field x) (value 3))
    f-2     (action (name Action2) (field y) (value 4))
    f-3     (action (name Action3) (field z) (value 5))
    For a total of 4 facts.