I'm new to CLIPS and am trying to use it to create a custom Instrument in Xcode to model state changes in an enumeration.
I want to end up with a series of facts which represent the start and end time of the enumeration being in a given state.
I'm emitting an event signpost each time there is a state change within my code, this can be simplified to look like:
(deftemplate signpost
(slot time (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING))
I'm trying to pair them up to generate state interval facts which look like:
(deftemplate state-interval
(slot start (type INTEGER))
(slot duration (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING))
Given the input data:
(signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
(signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
(signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
(signpost (time 10) (state "four"))
I'd expect to see the following output:
(state-interval (start 0) (duration 2) (state "one"))
(state-interval (start 2) (duration 3) (state "two"))
(state-interval (start 5) (duration 5) (state "three"))
My closest attempt so far looks like:
(deftemplate signpost
(slot time (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING))
(deftemplate state-update
(slot time (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING))
(deftemplate state-interval
(slot start (type INTEGER))
(slot duration (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING))
(defrule update-state
?signpost <- (signpost (time ?time) (state ?state))
(not (state-update (time ?) (state ?)))
(retract ?signpost)
(assert (state-update (time ?time) (state ?state)))
(defrule pair-state
?signpost <- (signpost (time ?time) (state ?state))
?update <- (state-update (time ?time1) (state ?state1))
(modify ?update (time ?time) (state ?state))
(retract ?signpost)
(bind ?duration (- ?time1 ?time))
(assert (state-interval (start ?time1) (duration ?duration) (state ?state1)))
(deffacts sample-data
(signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
(signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
(signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
(signpost (time 10) (state "four"))
I get the following output:
FIRE 1 update-state: f-4,*
<== f-4 (signpost (time 10) (state "four"))
==> f-5 (state-update (time 10) (state "four"))
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-5
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-5
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-1,f-5
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-2,*
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-1,*
FIRE 2 pair-state: f-1,f-5
<== f-5 (state-update (time 10) (state "four"))
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-5
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-5
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-1,*
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-2,*
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
==> f-6 (state-update (time 0) (state "one"))
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-6
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-6
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-1,f-6
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-2,*
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-1,*
<== f-1 (signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-1,f-6
==> f-7 (state-interval (start 10) (duration 10) (state "four"))
FIRE 3 pair-state: f-2,f-6
<== f-6 (state-update (time 0) (state "one"))
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-6
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-2,*
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
==> f-8 (state-update (time 2) (state "two"))
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-8
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-8
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-2,*
<== f-2 (signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-8
==> f-9 (state-interval (start 0) (duration -2) (state "one"))
FIRE 4 pair-state: f-3,f-8
<== f-8 (state-update (time 2) (state "two"))
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
==> f-10 (state-update (time 5) (state "three"))
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-10
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
<== f-3 (signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-10
==> f-11 (state-interval (start 2) (duration -3) (state "two"))
<== Focus MAIN
4 rules fired Run time is 0.00531400000909343 seconds.
752.728640036717 rules per second.
5 mean number of facts (5 maximum).
1 mean number of instances (1 maximum).
2 mean number of activations (4 maximum).
Resulting in:
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0 (initial-fact)
f-7 (state-interval (start 10) (duration 10) (state "four"))
f-9 (state-interval (start 0) (duration -2) (state "one"))
f-10 (state-update (time 5) (state "three"))
f-11 (state-interval (start 2) (duration -3) (state "two"))
For a total of 5 facts.
I feel like I'm missing something fundamental here. In my mind I'm assuming that Xcode is going to be feeding me in these signpost facts sequentially over time.
CLIPS (6.31 4/1/19)
(deftemplate signpost
(slot time (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING)))
(deftemplate state-interval
(slot start (type INTEGER))
(slot duration (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING)))
(defrule find-interval
;; Find the first signpost
(signpost (time ?time1) (state ?state))
;; And a second signpost that comes later
(signpost (time ?time2&:(> ?time2 ?time1)))
;; And there's no other signpost between the two
(not (signpost (time ?time3&:(> ?time3 ?time1)
&:(< ?time3 ?time2))))
(assert (state-interval (start ?time1)
(duration (- ?time2 ?time1))
(state ?state))))
(deffacts sample-data
(signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
(signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
(signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
(signpost (time 10) (state "four")))
CLIPS> (watch rules)
CLIPS> (watch facts)
CLIPS> (watch activations)
CLIPS> (reset)
<== f-0 (initial-fact)
==> f-0 (initial-fact)
==> f-1 (signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
==> f-2 (signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
==> Activation 0 find-interval: f-1,f-2,*
==> f-3 (signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
==> Activation 0 find-interval: f-2,f-3,*
==> f-4 (signpost (time 10) (state "four"))
==> Activation 0 find-interval: f-3,f-4,*
CLIPS> (run)
FIRE 1 find-interval: f-3,f-4,*
==> f-5 (state-interval (start 5) (duration 5) (state "three"))
FIRE 2 find-interval: f-2,f-3,*
==> f-6 (state-interval (start 2) (duration 3) (state "two"))
FIRE 3 find-interval: f-1,f-2,*
==> f-7 (state-interval (start 0) (duration 2) (state "one"))
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0 (initial-fact)
f-1 (signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
f-2 (signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
f-3 (signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
f-4 (signpost (time 10) (state "four"))
f-5 (state-interval (start 5) (duration 5) (state "three"))
f-6 (state-interval (start 2) (duration 3) (state "two"))
f-7 (state-interval (start 0) (duration 2) (state "one"))
For a total of 8 facts.