The code below reads in data about the location of valid ASOS (weather observing stations) around the globe. I'd like to use the list in the future as a list of points to plot data from, but a lot of the stations are way too close together to view at a national or even state-level scale. I'd like to reduce the density of the stations that are plotted on the map. Below is some code that plots all the stations in the US/southern Canada:
import re
fh = open('../498/stations.txt', 'r')
lines = fh.readlines()
data = []
for line in lines:
comment_match ='^!', line)
blank_match ='^\s*$', line)
header_match ='\d{2}-\w{3}-\d{2}|CD\s+STATION', line)
if comment_match or blank_match or header_match:
ICAO = line[20:24].strip()
if len(ICAO) == 4:
CD = line[0:3].strip()
if len(CD) == 0:
CD = None
STATION = line[3:20].strip()
LATLON = line[39:54]
if LATLON[5] == 'S':
LAT = float("{0:.2f}".format(-(float(LATLON[0:2])+float(LATLON[3:5])/60.)))
if LATLON[5] == 'N':
LAT = float("{0:.2f}".format((float(LATLON[0:2])+float(LATLON[3:5])/60.)))
if LATLON[14] == 'W':
LON = float("{0:.2f}".format(-(float(LATLON[8:11])+float(LATLON[12:14])/60.)))
if LATLON[14] == 'E':
LON = float("{0:.2f}".format((float(LATLON[8:11])+float(LATLON[12:14])/60.)))
ELEV = int(line[54:59].strip())
C = line[81:-1]
stn_dict = {'name':STATION, 'id':ICAO, 'state':CD, 'country':C, 'lat':LAT, 'lon':LON, 'elev':ELEV}
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
extent = [-130,-60,20,60]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection=ccrs.Miller())
for stndict in data:
if stndict['lon'] > extent[0] and stndict['lon'] < extent[1] and stndict['lat'] > extent[2] and stndict['lat'] < extent[3]:
plt.plot(stndict['lon'], stndict['lat'], color='blue', marker='o',
Here is the output of the code. You can see that many plot on top of one another at this map scale. Ideally, I would like to have functionality to change the distance between points plotted, say 100km for instance.
Are there any libraries that would make this task easier?
MetPy has a function reduce_point_density
that can do what you want. This function takes your station locations as a (number of points) x dimensions (e.g. 2 or 3) array, along with a radius, the minimum distance to the nearest point in the result. The result is a boolean array that you can use as a mask to select the points of interest. You use it like:
from metpy.calc import reduce_point_density
import numpy as np
point_locs = np.array([(10, 50), (11, 49), (35, 40)])
mask = reduce_point_density(point_locs, 4.)
keep_points = point_locs[mask]
You can also optionally pass an array of priority values, which allows controlling which points are preferentially selected to be kept. An bigger example using reduce_point_density
is here.