I'm using Jekyll with the minima theme.
In a recent post I made, someone pointed out to me that I can use nasm specific formatting with ~~~nasm
- it's good to know that nasm is a supported language!
However, the syntax highlighting is pretty ugly, look at the red glow around the square brackets:
It it incorrectly indicating a syntax error, due to this bug.
Is it possible to override the style for those brackets and other aspects of the code samples?
Save https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jekyll/minima/master/_sass/minima.scss to _sass/minima.scss
Save https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jekyll/minima/master/_sass/minima/_syntax-highlighting.scss as _sass/minima/_syntax-highlighting.scss
You can now modify your syntax highlighting in _sass/minima/_syntax-highlighting.scss.