I'm downloading a video online and I want to limit the size allowed. I tried to add this to web.config
<httpRuntime executionTimeout ="3600" maxRequestLength ="2000" appRequestQueueLimit ="100" requestValidationMode ="2.0" requestLengthDiskThreshold ="2000000" />
But it does not work.
Here is my ASP code :
'Creation du Guid
Set TypeLib = Server.CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
guid1 = TypeLib.Guid
guid1 = Left(guid1, Len(guid1)-2)
guid1 = replace(guid1, "{", "")
guid1 = replace(guid1, "}", "")
Set TypeLib = Nothing
'autoriser les mp4
set mySmartUpload = Server.CreateObject("aspSmartUpload.SmartUpload")
mySmartUpload.AllowedFilesList = "mp4"
mySmartUpload.DeniedFilesList = "bat,exe,com,asp,php,pdf,txt,doc,xls,jsp,aspx"
ext1 = mySmartUpload.Files.Item(1).FileExt
video1 = cstr(guid1) & "." & ext1
set fichier1 = mySmartUpload.Files.Item(1)
fichier1.SaveAs(server.MapPath(chem) & "\" & video1)
set mySmartUpload = nothing
and my HTML input :
<input class="champ" type="file" name="f1" >
You've got 2 solutions.
In Web.config:
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="104857600" />
This will limit file upload size to 100 MB
In SmartUpoad itself:
mySmartUpload.MaxFileSize = 104857600
That's 100 MB too.