I have a function that makes an HTTP request using the Softwaremill sttp client. I am also using the Cats library for the leftMap functionality. Here is the function:
def tags(repositoryName: String): Either[String, List[Tag]] = {
val uri = uri"$gitLabBaseUrl/api/v4/projects/$repositoryName/repository/tags"
val request = sttp.get(uri).header("PRIVATE-TOKEN", privateToken).response(asJson[List[Tag]])
e => Left(e.message)
So as you can see I want the signature of the function to be Either[String, List[Tag]]. However, to achieve this I need to do two leftMap statements, where in my reasoning just the first leftMap should be sufficient. I broke the statement down to get the type signatures:
val foo: Id[Response[Either[DeserializationError[circe.Error], List[Tag]]]] = request.send()
val foo2: Either[String, Either[DeserializationError[circe.Error], List[Tag]]] = request.send().body
val foo3: Either[io.Serializable, List[Tag]] = request.send().body.flatMap(_.leftMap(e => Left(e.message)))
And as you can see the Either that is returned by the flatMap is of type [io.Serializable, List[Tag]]. However, the signature from request.send().body is:
Either[String, Either[DeserializationError[circe.Error], List[Tag]]]
so therefore e.message results in a String and as such I was expecting the
_.leftMap(e => Left(e.message))
statement to already result in a
Either[String, List[Tag]]
But instead it has as signature
Either[io.Serializable, List[Tag]]
So I need to do the second leftMap to get to the correct signature of
Either[String, List[Tag]]
Could someone please help me out how I can avoid having to do the second leftMap? It seems like it shouldn't be necessary but I have not been able to figure out how to solve it.
.flatMap { _.left.map(_.message) }