I want to transpose the rows to columns using Pivot function in Oracle and/or SQL Server using Pivot function. My use case is very similar to this Efficiently convert rows to columns in sql server However, I am organizing data by specific data type (below StringValue and NumericValue is shown).
This is my example:
| Id | Person_ID | ColumnName | StringValue | NumericValue |
| 1 | 1 | FirstName | John | (null) |
| 2 | 1 | Amount | (null) | 100 |
| 3 | 1 | PostalCode | (null) | 112334 |
| 4 | 1 | LastName | Smith | (null) |
| 5 | 1 | AccountNumber | (null) | 123456 |
This is my result:
| FirstName |Amount| PostalCode | LastName | AccountNumber |
| John | 100 | 112334 | Smith | 123456 |
How can I build the SQL Query?
I have already tried using MAX(DECODE()) and CASE statement in Oracle. However the performance is very poor. Looking to see if Pivot function in Oracle and/or SQL server can do this faster. Or should I go to single column value?
Below code will satisfy your requirement
Create table #test
(id int,
person_id int,
ColumnName varchar(50),
StringValue varchar(50),
numericValue varchar(50)
insert into #test values (1,1,'FirstName','John',null)
insert into #test values (2,1,'Amount',null,'100')
insert into #test values (3,1,'PostalCode',null,'112334')
insert into #test values (4,1,'LastName','Smith',null)
insert into #test values (5,1,'AccountNumber',null,'123456')
--select * from #test
Declare @Para varchar(max)='',
@Para1 varchar(max)='',
@main varchar(max)=''
select @Para += ','+QUOTENAME(ColumnName)
from (select distinct ColumnName from #test) as P
set @Para1= stuff(@para ,1,1,'')
print @Para1
set @main ='select * from (
select coalesce(StringValue,numericValue) as Val,ColumnName from #test) as Main
min(val) for ColumnName in ('+@Para1+')
) as pvt'