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Can you parse a RODBC query through readr?

I am trying to improve my analytics script for a database and want to use a direct output from the query in my Access DB instead of outputting to a linked excel file where I refreshed it and then saved to a csv file. I can get the table into R, but I would like it parsed through readr. Is there a way to do this?

I have tried outputting to a csv straight away then using read_csv to reimport but it pulled errors on the parsing.

dbdata <- sqlQuery(db , "SELECT * 
                              FROM qRoutput", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Is how I currently import my query.

I would just like to parse that query output through the readr parsing function - everything being taken as characters, doubles and the class coming back as "[1] "spec_tbl_df" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"


  • This should already give the output as data.frame. May be you could try df = sqlGetResults(db) after your sqlQuery.

    Alternatively you can go for dbplyr approach. Below is an example. This approach is valid for RODBC connections too. Intro to dbplyr

    # Create a db
    db = dbConnect(SQLite(), "./Data/TestDB.db")
    # write data to the db
    dbWriteTable(db, "testtable", mtcars)
    # Check whether the table is present
    # use the dplyr syntax to query
    tbl(db, "testtable") %>% select(mpg, cyl)