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How to stop messaging center to stop subscribe multiple time in Xamarin.Forms?

I am creating an application and in that it need to send argument to the other page and send argument using the Messagingcenter when I send using MessagingCenter it call more than one time.

If I am using unscribe than in next time it is not receive next time.

MessagingCenter.Send(this, "Invoke", "Invokedtrue");

MessagingCenter.Subscribe<MyPage, string>(this, "Invoke", async (sender, arg) =>
    await Process(arg);


    private void ViewCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MessagingCenter.Send(this, "Invoke", "Invokedtrue");
        catch (Exception ex)

**Detail Page**

    MessagingCenter.Subscribe<ListPage, string>(this, "Invoke", async (sender, arg) =>
        await Process(arg);

    private async Task Process(string arg)
        //Here is api call to view detail of particular record

        //Here I unsubscribe the MessagingCenter.

I want to send only one time using subscribe and send only one time.

Can anyone look into this and suggest me what should I have to do in that?


  • Do you want to send and receive message only one time? Then you can use Unsubscribe method after you receive the message. For example, you can do like this:

     MessagingCenter.Subscribe<MyPage, string>(this, "Invoke", async (sender, 
       arg) =>
    await Process(arg); 


    On DetailPage, you can call MessagingCenter.Subscribe in method OnAppearing() and call MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe in method OnDisappearing , just as follows:

    protected override void OnAppearing()
           MessagingCenter.Subscribe<ListPage, string>(this, "Invoke", async (sender, arg) =>
                Debug.Write("123456---->  get one msg");
                DisplayAlert("Alert", "We have received a message.", "OK");
        protected async override void OnDisappearing()
            MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<ListPage,string>(this, "Invoke");

    On ListPage

    async void OnTap (object sender, EventArgs e)  
            await Navigation.PushAsync(new DetailPage());
                MessagingCenter.Send(this, "Invoke", "Invokedtrue");
                Debug.Write("123456---->  send one msg");
            catch (Exception ex)

    Note: when you enter into ListPage, you can try the following code:

      MainPage = new  NavigationPage( new ListPage());

    The effect in IOS is : enter image description here

    The link of full demo is here, you can check it.