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How to use the Github Markdown API using Python

I'm trying to use the Github Markdown API to turn Markdown files into pretty HTML files but I can't seem to get the API to work.

I've been using with payloads exactly as detailed in the documentation here and I've tried changing a few things but nothing seems to return the HTML that I want.

Here is the code I'm using:

import requests

with open("", "r") as markdown, open("index.html", "w") as html:
    payload = {"text":, "mode": "markdown"}
    html.write("", data=payload).text)

The return from the Github API is the following:

    "message": "Problems parsing JSON",
    "documentation_url": ""

where an HTML version of my document is expected back.


  • Since the API was expecting json the request should have been:

    html.write("", json=payload).text)

    Which uses json instead of data to send the payload with the post request.