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How to convert colored image from RAW to JPEG format

I'm trying to convert color image from .raw format into .jpg or .png format, I used ImageMagick with the following command prompt code:

convert -size 768X576 -depth 8 rgb:my_image.raw my_image.jpeg

It is work successfully to convert the image into jpeg format, but with some problems which are: 1- The resulted image is gray and not colored. 2- The resulted image is subdivided into 9 images as a grid of small images repeated.

When I change rgb into gray, return me 3 separated gray image with different in lighting conditions from darker to lighter. I'm necessary need to convert the image format, can anyone please help me how can I edit the code or also any other software that able to open the image, I tried very software but they are usefulness, I use windows 10.


  • I tested it with my own raw input image, and it's working fine.

    You may be using a wrong version of ImageMagick.
    I downloaded the version: ImageMagick-7.0.8-49-Q8-x64-static.exe from

    In the version I downloaded, the convert command is magick.exe and not convert.

    The following command is working:
    magick.exe -size 768x576 -depth 8 rgb:my_image.raw my_image.jpeg.

    I prefer using FFmpeg for format conversion.
    You can download it from
    Version: stable (current version is 4.1.3).
    Architecture: Windows 64-bit
    Linking: static.

    Extract the zip file, you only need ffmpeg.exe.
    For converting the raw file to jpeg using FFmpeg you can use the following command:

    ffmpeg -y -video_size 768x576 -pix_fmt rgb24 -i my_image.raw -pix_fmt yuvj444p my_image.jpeg

    Assuming your raw file format is "chunky" RGB (ordered: r,g,b,r,g,b,r,g,b...), make sure the file size is 768*576*3 = 1,327,104 Bytes.

    Just to make sure, the problem is not in your input file...

    You can create an synthetic input raw image using FFmpeg and convert the result to jpeg:

    Create synthetic input:
    ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=1:size=768x576:rate=1 -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2 test_image.raw

    Convert synthetic input:
    ffmpeg -y -video_size 768x576 -pix_fmt rgb24 -i test_image.raw -pix_fmt yuvj444p test_image.jpeg

    Result (test_image.jpeg):

    I found the solution:

    Apparently the raw image format is "planar" RGB:


    Converting it to jpeg (using FFmpeg) is a complicated problem:

    ffmpeg -y -video_size 768x576 -pix_fmt gbrp -i m-001-1.raw -filter_complex "extractplanes=g+b+r[g][b][r],[r][g][b]mergeplanes=0x001020:gbrp[v]" -map "[v]" m-001-1.jpeg

    FFmpeg has no support for raw "planar" RGB format.
    The only "planar" that is close to RGB is GBR (green plane is first).
    I used extractplanes and mergeplanes for reordering the color channels.

    ImageMagick has a much more simple solution:
    magick.exe -depth 8 -interlace plane -size 768x576 rgb:image.raw image.jpeg

    Since stackoverflow not allowing upload of raw files, I uploaded a png image in grayscale format that simulates the "planar" RGB:

    planar RGB

    For testing the solution use the following steps:

    1. Download the image (imgur named it: D5IUp.png).
    2. Convert from png to raw as "planar" RGB" (.y extension):
      ffmpeg -y -i D5IUp.png -c:v rawvideo -pix_fmt gray D5IUp.y
    3. Convert from raw to jpeg:
      ffmpeg -y -video_size 128x96 -pix_fmt gbrp -i D5IUp.y -filter_complex "extractplanes=g+b+r[g][b][r],[r][g][b]mergeplanes=0x001020:gbrp[v]" -map "[v]" D5IUp.jpeg


    Example for batch conversion using ImageMagick:
    for %%f in (*.raw) do (magick.exe -depth 8 -interlace plane -size 768x576 rgb:"%%f" "%%~nf.jpeg")