I have developed an angular app in my local machine. I am trying to deploy my angular app in a vm. I have install node and npm in the server. I have followed a tutorial - https://coursetro.com/posts/code/112/Angular-5-Deployment---Deploy-your-Angular-App
I have created the dist folder using
ng build --prod
Then transferred the folder produced in dist to the server under a folder test.
I ran the command
ng build --prod --base-href "/test/".
But this gives an error
The build command requires to be run in an Angular project, but a project definition could not be found.
Where am I going wrong? Is the location where I am trying to build is correct?
Running ng build twice is wrong. Run it once, take the dist output and deploy it to a web server like nginx. Installing npm and node on your server is also not needed, unless you have a node backend.