Given a str: "My name is Gustavo"
, that was created with "My name is \("
Is it possible to get the string "My name is \("
after the value was replaced?
In other words, is it possible to find out "My name is \("
, having "My name is Gustavo"
Edit: If I can get to "My name is "
, a.k.a. the hard coded string from all strings that were build dynamically, that would be a solution.
No, this is not possible. In fact, "My name is \("
is not even included in the compiled code. Instead, Swift-5 compiler generates code equivalent to this:
let str = String(stringInterpolation: {
var temp = String.StringInterpolation(literalCapacity: 11, interpolationCount: 1)
temp.appendLiteral("My name is ")
return temp
This article contains details on how string interpolation is implemented in Swift-4 and Swift-5.